Apis Astrology

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"You've been spot on for the most part. Actually, 100%"

"Thanks so much for your time and insight... I found some of your remarks more insightful than the therapy I’ve participated in."

FeesNatal Chart Reading: $300Divination: $40Remote Healing: $60

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where should I make my chart?

What are...

What are the planets doing right now?

Where can I find people with specific placements?

What do the Houses mean in astrology?

If Planets are the "What" and Signs are the "How & Why," Houses are the "Where" - the domain in which the planets act.

What is the correct House system?

The correct House system for natal astrology is Whole-Sign Houses. This means counting the Ascending Sign as your entire 1st House, then counting through the Zodiac to find subsequent Houses:

House 1

This is your Ascendant. It has a significant role in determining how you look, as well as your default mode of interacting with the world.If you have Gemini Rising, your default response to the world is going to be to talk to people, ask questions, perceive eye-catching details and make jokes.If you have Mars Rising, you're going to be more energetic, overtly aggressive and sexed-up than the average person. If you're male, you're more likely to be muscular.

House 2

Finances, possessions, health, hygiene, sleep, diet and cooking, as well as your general sense of calm and wellbeing.If the Lord of the 2nd House (L2) is in a difficult condition, this can indicate eating disorders, money troubles or anxiety.If L2 is in aspect to Saturn, you might manage the finances of someone richer than you. You might also be respected as someone who's mastered a particular form of cooking.

House 3

Communicating, language & number skills more broadly, also dealings with siblings.If you have Jupiter in the 3rd House, you're going to talk and write a lot and innovate linguistically. You may learn multiple languages.If you have Moon in the 3rd House, people are going to open up to you about tender subjects, and you're going to have certain needs with respect to speaking which may make you shy.

House 4

Dealings with your parents, with history, with housing, and with your own memories - roots.If you have Saturn in the 4th House, you're going to have to work at dealing with your parents. They may also be older than usual.If you have Mars in the 4th House, you may have a parent in the military, and you're more likely to get into fights with your parents than average.

House 5

Love, children, art, parties, sex, enjoyments of all kinds.If you have Mars in the 5th House, you're going to PARTY HARD, raise your children in unusual ways and be harshly judgemental when it comes to art.If Libra is your 5th House, you regard the arts as something to be cultivated in an elegant, civilized and relaxed way. (All Gemini Rising people have Libra for their 5th House.)

House 6

Engineering, problem-solving; fixing a clogged sink, fixing your car, performing surgery or dressing a wound. Also covers dealings with magic of any kind.If L6 is sextile to a planet in Gemini, you're going to be good at talking through problems and pinning down the details which need to be addressed.If you have Mercury in your 6th House, you're going to be good at fiddling with little bits of machinery, and you're also going to be inclined to coding.

House 7

Dealings with relationships of all kinds, romantic and otherwise; understanding of people in general and how to work with them. Social skillsIf you have Saturn in the 7th House, you may have a relationship with a significant age gap, or with someone highly respectable.If L7 is retrograde, you won't quite know where to begin in dealing with others (but you can figure it out).

House 8

Dealings with taboo and the unspeakable (perhaps having a severely disabled family member), crime (including victims of crime), counter-cultural activity (extreme veganism, nazism, communism, hatred of the medical industry, etc.), even espionageIf you have Moon in the 8th House, your popular appeal is as someone counter-cultural. The poet Baudelaire is an example of this.If you have Venus in the 8th House, you're more likely to be involved in taboo romances.

House 9

Your spiritual life, engagement with philosophy and religion, higher learning of all kinds, travels - new horizons, physical and intellectual.If you have Jupiter in the 9th House, you're going to experience a lot of personal growth through travelling.If Gemini is your 9th House, you're likely to engage with religion through reading, conversation and logic. (All Libra Rising people have Gemini for their 9th House.)

House 10

Career in the broadest sense.If you have Mercury in the 10th House, you might be a podcaster or a comedian.If you have Sun in the 10th House, your personal identity is going to be important to your career.

House 11

Dealings with friends, also your hopes and wishes for the future.If you're a man with L11 trine Venus, you can comfortably have female friends, you love your friends deeply, and you may have artistic or beautiful friends.If you're a woman with L11 trine Mars, you can comfortably have male friends, and you may be friends with vigorous, energetic people, perhaps those who play sports.If Aries is your 11th House, you seek energetic individualists and eccentrics for friends. (All Gemini Rising people have Aries for their 11th House.)

House 12

Dealings with unconscious habits, letting go of ideas which are no longer helpful, making efforts to cultivate virtue and overcome vice in yourself, as well as to help others do the same. Efforts to AVOID problems, rather than solve them once they've already happened. Also covers dealings with spirits who may be troubling you.If you have Mercury in the 12th House, you're good at putting a name on bad habits you and others are engaging in, as well as talking through them helpfully.If you have Venus in the 12th House, you can relate to others on the basis of your efforts to improve yourself, and help them to improve themselves in a sympathetic, understanding way.If Leo is your 12th House, you're going to view self-improvement as a matter of upholding your dignity and representing your principles in the world. (All Virgo Rising people have Leo for their 12th House.)

Houses by Element

As the Zodiac can be divided up by Element, so too can the Houses derived from each Zodiac Sign:Houses 1, 5 and 9 are the Fire Houses, relevant to yourself, your beliefs and your values.Houses 2, 6 and 10 are the Earth Houses, relevant to the material conditions of your life, material necessities (such as food) and your dealings with material things.Houses 3, 7 and 11 are the Air Houses, relevant to your social life.Houses 4, 8 and 12 are the Water Houses, relevant to the parts of your life largely hidden from most people's view.

Houses by Planet

You will want to familiarize yourself with the concept of Essential Dignity before you proceed:

You may notice there are 12 Houses and 12 Signs. Are the Houses related to the Signs? Yes. Is the first Sign, Aries, related in some way to the first House? Is the second Sign, Taurus, related to the second House? Yes in both cases - each House is, in a sense, derived from the corresponding Sign in the Zodiac. Capricorn is concerned with getting ahead in the world and doing work - it is the 10th Sign, from which the 10th House is derived. Houses are not identical to Signs, but they are related.Let's consider the 10th further. Capricorn is anti-Lunar. It seeks to overcome and conceal vulnerabilities. Equally, our workplace is not typically the place we go to seek consolation, nor to rest, nor to indulge ourselves. Many people deviate from this rule, but this is the baseline.Let's consider the 4th House, that of our home and our roots. These matters are clearly Lunar. The 4th House corresponds to the Moon's Sign, Cancer. Thus the home is typically the place to be vulnerable and to do as we please.The Houses are, in a sense, the context in which we encounter the Signs as something external to ourselves. Cancer is something we are, our home is something we have.Now let's consider how some of the Houses differ from their corresponding Signs. The 5th House is that of art, romance, children and parties. One can certainly recognize Leo's capacity for uninhibited enjoyment and recognition of The Good in these things, but the resemblance is not as obvious.Consider also: If you've got Libra Rising, all your Signs make up the opposite Houses! Cancer 10th, Capricorn 4th. How does that work?

A Trick to Understand the Houses and the Planets

Take the Houses apart in the same way as you take the Signs apart: If the 7th House (of relationships) is derived from Libra, which is ruled by Venus and Exalts Saturn, then you can safely assume the condition of Venus and Saturn will tell you things about how you relate to others.

When Planets Contradict Houses

What does it mean when you've got a powerful Venus and a weak 7th House? A weak Mercury and a powerful 3rd House? In practice, I find the condition of the House takes precedence.If you've got Mercury Pisces and Mars Aries 3rd, you're going to be a good communicator, but you may have difficulties with scheduling or giving directions to employees.If you've got Venus Taurus and L7 is Exiled, you're going to have trouble with relationships, but you'll retain the calm indicated by that strong Venus.As always, make your own observations with respect to the chart in question. This rule holds only if all else is equal; Saturn Libra opposite Mars Aries 3rd is going to mean problems with communication, and it may give occasion for Mercury Pisces' usual troubles to come through - perhaps in Libra's similarly Venusian habit of avoidance.

Planetary Joys

Different Planets are said to "Joy" in different houses. This means that they're particularly comfortable and in alignment with the nature of those Houses in ways they are not with the corresponding Signs.The Sun joys in the 9th House. The Planet of our sense of The Good harmonizes with the House of higher thought, religion and philosophy.The Moon joys in the 3rd House. The ways in which they're in harmony are still obscure to me.Mercury joys in the 1st House. The Planet of reason and the senses harmonizes with the House which concerns our immediate interface with the world.Venus joys in the 5th House. The Planet of love and peace is in harmony with the House of romance, art and recreation.Mars joys in the 6th House. The Planet of decisive intervention and engineering is in harmony with the House of problem-solving and tinkering.Jupiter joys in the 11th House. One could suppose wise friends would be particularly desirable.Saturn joys in the 12th House. The Planet of restraint and self-discipline is in harmony with the House of self-development.The Joys are an ancient concept. This is not in itself reason to value them, but I have found that the concept holds up under pressure. I am not so interested in concerning myself with their origins, but others have elsewhere.

It is worth noting that, reasonable as the Joys are, there are interesting patterns in their distribution: The Luminaries are opposed, the 'Benefics' are opposed, the 'Malefics' are opposed, and Mercury the mediator occupies the House in which Heaven meets Earth. While students should never embrace the concepts of 'Benefic' or 'Malefic' uncritically, these pairs of planets do resemble each other in some ways.In practice, I never make use of the Joys in a natal chart reading. They are interesting to consider in the abstract, but never a priority.

Empty Houses

What does it mean if a Sign/House has no planets in it? If your 7th House is empty, will you be without a relationship? The answer is no: Instead, your experience with relationships and more broadly with understanding people is determined by the condition of L7, as well as the usual planets associated with those kinds of relationships, Venus and Saturn.


When planets in your chart make certain angles to each other, their energies are combined. This is called an "Aspect". A planet in Capricorn (black dot) can make aspects to any of the Signs with red or blue highlights - but what does this do?

Hard Aspects (Red) combine planetary energies in a difficult way, like two people arguing over a decision. This tension can be fruitful, and with honest work, one can come out ahead.

Soft Aspects (Blue) combine them in a gentle way, like two people offering advice to each other. Less active work is needed to make the most of this harmonious relationship.

Same-Sign Conjunctions (Green) combine them more directly, like two people in a three-legged race. This is an 'unflavoured' fusion of the energies involved - one half does not move without the other.Examples: Mars + Moon
A hard aspect between the Moon and Mars in your natal chart will fuse your animal instincts with your aggressive side in a difficult way. The idiosyncratic needs and worries of the Moon are fused with the lust and aggression of Mars... one craves sex and violence at the same time as he or she fears them.
With a soft aspect between Mars and the Moon, Lunar caring and nurture merge with the active energies of Mars - the result is someone bold in defence of those for whom they care. Chances are they'd also make a good cook.

Soft Aspects divide into Sextiles and Trines.
Hard Aspects divide into Squares and Oppositions.
For beginners, it's safe to treat sextiles and trines as the same. The planets involved aid one another. Squares involve a constant struggle between the factors involved, while oppositions produce mounting tension which crystallises into a moment of decision.

Counting Aspects

Conjunctions occur when planets are within 5 degrees of each other in the same Sign.
Sextiles occur when planets are 60° ± 3° apart, so between 57° and 63°.
Squares occur when planets are 90° ± 5° apart.
Trines occur when planets are 120° ± 5° apart.
Oppositions occur when planets are 180° ± 5° apart.
HOWEVER...Planets can ONLY make aspects to planets if they're the right number of signs away - 2 for Sextiles, 3 for Squares, 4 for Trines and 6 for Oppositions. Saturn in Gemini ♊️ here can make sextiles to planets in Aries ♈️ and Leo ♌️, but not Pisces ♓️ or Cancer ♋️And remember...Even if your software depicts an Aspect, it's not real unless it meets these criteria. I am advising a collaborator on developing some software which does this effortlessly.


From left to right, top to bottom, here are the Zodiac Signs in order:

"What Does It Mean If I Have This Planet in This Sign?"

This will be answered cleanly and comprehensibly in my forthcoming book. For now, we will take things apart the hard way:


Each Sign has one of four Elements: Fire, Earth, Air, or Water.Fire Signs are individualistic, free, expressive and principled.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are Fire.
Earth Signs are sober, steady, smug and pragmatic.
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are Earth.
Air Signs are clever, social, articulate and good at masking.
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are Air.
Water Signs are mysterious, controlling and pained.
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are Water.

Aristotelian Qualities

Each Element is the combination of two Qualities: Hot or Cold, and Dry or Moist.Fire is Hot and Dry.
Earth is Cold and Dry.
Air is Hot and Moist.
Water is Cold and Moist.
Fire and Air are Hot. Thus they originate their own values and ideals, Fire concerning itself with its own freedom and Air concerning itself with distant ideals and prospective social arrangements. They look to things as they could be.Water and Earth are Cold. Thus they tend to work with things as they are, Earth dealing with everything stable and persistent, and Water dealing with that into which we are born: Unconscious tendencies, desires, pains, etc.Fire and Earth are Dry. Thus they deal with what is distinct and consistent, Fire concerning itself with individuality and freedom of choice, Earth concerning itself with discrete objects and things which in that sense are object-like.Water and Air are Moist. Thus they tend to absorb and mingle with that which encounters them, exchanging qualities freely. Air concerns itself with social templates with which anyone can interface, language which anyone can read, ideals which anyone can imagine themselves into. Water concerns itself with exchanges of violence and pain.


Each Sign has one of three modes, in addition to its Element:
Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable.
Cardinal Signs are active, energetic, ever-moving.
Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are Cardinal.
Fixed Signs are persistent, stubborn and proud, changing their fundamentals rarely.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are Fixed.
Mutable Signs are intellectual, curious and quick to adjust to change.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are Mutable.

How do Planets relate to Signs?

Each Planet is in harmony with some Signs and in tension with others. These harmonies and tensions tell us a lot about each Sign. Capricorn, for instance, is in harmony with Saturn and Mars, thus we can reasonably refer to it as a Saturnine and a Martian Sign - what we know about Saturn and Mars, we will find in Capricorn, regardless of which planets are in there.The degree to which a Planet's nature harmonizes with a Sign's is known as its Essential Dignity in that Sign.

The planets closest to a Sign (Blue) are Enthroned there.
A planet in its Throne is stronger than anywhere else in the chart. It is the soul of the Sign in question and can shine through undiminished. Saturn is Enthroned in Capricorn, where its capacity for self-control, discipline and sacrifice is given every chance to express itself.
Those on the inner ring just below them (Green) are Exalted.
An Exalted planet is only slightly less powerful than an Enthroned one in absolute terms, but it is also more "finely-tuned." Mars is Exalted in Capricorn where it has much of the raw force of Mars in Aries or Scorpio, but with much more control over how it's used.
Those on the other side of the inner ring (Orange) are Fallen.
If Exalted Planets are beloved by the Sign in question, Fallen Planets are an object of specific hatred. Capricorn sees the worst in Jupiter, because in its context, innovation is carelessness, and a sense of abundance & freedom can only lead to waste & error.
Those furthest from the Sign in question (Red) are Exiled.
Exiled Planets are simply the object of blank incomprehension by the Sign in question. Capricorn does not understand why one would want to manifest the Lunar traits of caring, vulnerability, rootedness - in its context, self-worth amounts to a dangerous habit of resting on one's laurels, vulnerabilities will never be forgiven, and needs are simply weaknesses.

Any planet Enthroned or Exalted in one Sign will be Exiled or Fallen in its opposite.Thus, in Capricorn:

Saturn is Enthroned.
Mars is Exalted.
Jupiter is Fallen.
The Moon is Exiled.

And in Cancer:

The Moon is Enthroned.
Jupiter is Exalted.
Mars is Fallen.
Saturn is Exiled.

Do Uranus, Neptune or Pluto Rule Any Signs?


Do Planets relate to Elements?

Yes. Planets find dignity in the elements. This is conventionally known as Dignity by Triplicity, but it could also be called Elemental Dignity.Historically, each Element gave dignity to one planet during the day and one at night. This is useful for some purposes (such as divination), but I find that an Element's qualities can be usefully understood in terms of both planets.Fire: The Sun (Day) and Jupiter (Night)Fire is Jovian in its concern with freedom and possibility, and Solar in its concern with individuality and truth.Earth: Venus (Day) and the Moon (Night)Earth is Venusian in its concern with smoothness & proportion, accommodating things as they are, and Lunar in its concern with need and with the roots of things.Air: Saturn (Day) and Mercury (Night)Air is Mercurial in its concern with social networks, cleverness and comprehensibility, and Saturnine in its concern with social roles, templates and plans for the future.Water: Mars (Day & Night)Water is Martian in its concern with control, purity and judgement.Some suggest Water offers Dignity to a second planet, but I've found no firm evidence in favour of that - and, in any case, one would still be breaking the established pattern by giving one Planet dignity in two Elements.

Review: Understanding Signs

So, let's take Capricorn and consider it in terms of the qualities we've established:
It is Cardinal.
It is an Earth Sign, hence Cold and Dry.
It offers Elemental Dignity to Venus and the Moon.
It is Saturn's Throne, it Exalts Mars, it is Jupiter's Fall, it is the Moon's Exile.
Let's consider first a contradiction: It offers Elemental Dignity to the Moon, and yet is the Moon's Exile. It's true, Capricorn has a Lunar concern with the past and a strong sense of self-worth in one respect - but in a way which is largely impersonal. In itself, it is nothing, raw materials - none of the inherent smugness of Lunar Signs Taurus and Cancer, here. But within it there is the potential for great smugness, earned smugness, and so the Lunar nature of Earth is still expressed.Let's consider another fact: Capricorn is the only non-Air Sign to offer meaningful dignity to Saturn. It deals with what is human and artificial, as well as that which can be the object of a distant ideal - that is Saturnine. As an Earth Sign, it looks toward what is, more than what will be. It has that Lunar concern with roots and origins. It deals with what is concretely embodied and hard to budge. Thus it's concerned with the ancient institutions - the trades, the military, the state - which surround us and shape our lives - which must be met on their own terms or not at all.

Sign Rulers

You'll need to review Houses to understand this section, if you haven't already.

As Signs make Houses, and Planets rule Signs, so too do Planets rule Houses. Take this chart, for instance:

Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius. Here, Capricorn and Aquarius make the 12th House and the 1st House (Ascendant) respectively. Thus, Saturn rules those houses. Thus we call Saturn the Lord of the 1st and the 12th House, or L1/12 for short.

Search my Tweets on Each Sign

Aries is

Aries is

Aries is

Aries is

Aries is

Aries is

Aries is

Aries is

Aries is

Aries is

Aries is

Aries is

Brief Intro to Astral Generations (American)

Your astral generation is the product of your Pluto, Neptune and Uranus placements. These placements are meaningful and substantially influence your life.Pluto determines the general impulse of the generation.
Neptune determines the ideal of the generation.
Uranus determines what is striking or unique about the generation.
Many of them have familiar names but I dug up Jonesers aka. 'Generation Jones' for the '60s generation ('Jonesing' as in craving, Keeping up with the Joneses, and the 'nondescript' feel of the name). Enjoy:

Late Alphas (2018-24)

Pluto Capricorn, Neptune Pisces, Uranus Taurus
"These iPad Babies have degenerated into a strange, plantlike form."

Early Alphas (2012-19)

Pluto Capricorn, Neptune Pisces, Uranus Aries
Marauders; threat level unknown. Driven insane by Elsa Spiderman surprise egg videos.

Late Zalphas (2010-12)

Pluto Capricorn, Neptune Aquarius, Uranus Aries
Speculating here: High-energy, superficially-eccentric conformists. People who want to stick out without fundamentally being original in any way. Vicious scenesters.

Early Zalphas (2008-10)

Pluto Capricorn, Neptune Aquarius, Uranus Pisces
Screaming in a haunted castle; fundamentally more grim & brutal than their forebears. I hear these guys are fans of Andrew Tate and Cilian Murphy.

Late Zoomers (2003-08)

Pluto Sagittarius, Neptune Aquarius, Uranus Pisces
"I'm so MESSED UP and TWISTED and DARK inside." The craziest/most retarded generation, but also potentially having spooky cosmic knowledge. More secretive than:

Early Zoomers (1998-2003)

Pluto Sagittarius, Neptune Aquarius, Uranus Aquarius
Database animals; Rubbery dreamworks bodies. Obsessed with categorizing things. Zealots.

Zillennials (1995-98)

Pluto Sagittarius, Neptune Capricorn, Uranus Aquarius
Zany ironic idealists but still fundamentally grounded in something solid and real. I find them charming. Among the last remnants of the world before the internet ate everything.

Late Millennials (1988-95)

Pluto Scorpio, Neptune Capricorn, Uranus Capricorn
Grimy. All that lumberjack content was directed at these guys. Many bought into the trad/homesteader thing from the past few years.

Early Millennials (1984-88)

Pluto Scorpio, Neptune Capricorn, Uranus Sagittarius
Irony grindset, get that bag, weird sex stuff; "ok, THAT just happened." Unbearable. We know and despise these creatures already.

Xillennials (1981-84)

Pluto Libra, Neptune Sagittarius, Uranus Sagittarius
Enthusiasts, self-consciously outrageous. Kim Kardashian, Mika.
"Live Laugh Love 🤩🚀🌈"

Late GenX (1974-81)

Pluto Libra, Neptune Sagittarius, Uranus Scorpio
Guys who like mushrooms and 'psychedelic' art of grey aliens smoking a bong. Softies with a hard edge. "Live Laugh Love 😈🍭🍄"

Early GenX (1971-75)

Pluto Libra, Neptune Sagittarius, Uranus Libra
International rave freaks. Taking ecstasy and finding your soul mate in Goa. Peace Love Unity Respect 🤗.
(The Xers are the ones with "In This House" yard signs and a cutesy 'domestic bill of rights & responsibilities' in the hallway or bathroom. Boomers copied this.)

Jexxers (1968-71)

Pluto Virgo, Neptune Sagittarius, Uranus Libra
Open, loving, romantic, but fundamentally more orderly than their juniors. More down to earth. Biggie Smalls is one.

Late Jonesers (1961-68)

Pluto Virgo, Neptune Scorpio, Uranus Virgo
Concerned with THE FACTS. Obsessed with the idea of "joining the system & destroying it from the inside." Passionate about cycling & recycling.

Early Jonesers (1955-62)

Pluto Virgo, Neptune Scorpio, Uranus Leo
Louder than the above; they want to have their big Aaron Sorkin moment where they ANNIHILATE their opponent with FACTS & LOGIC while everyone looks on in awe. Moderate grandeur.

Late Boomers (1948-55)

Pluto Leo, Neptune Libra, Uranus Cancer
Toilet jokes, the constitution. Zany, childish, larger than life. Irresponsible but human and lovable. Solipsistic to the point of derangement. Many divorces.

Early Boomers (1942-49)

Pluto Leo, Neptune Libra, Uranus Gemini
Less zany, more clever. Flashier, neater, cleaner. David Bowie & Trump.

Pre-Boomers (1938-42)

Pluto Leo, Neptune Virgo, Uranus Taurus
Example: Pauly Walnuts.

Late Silents (1934-39)

Pluto Cancer, Neptune Virgo, Uranus Taurus
Mature Art Deco.

Early Silents (1928-34)

Pluto Cancer, Neptune Virgo, Uranus Aries
High Art Deco.
Examples: Elvis Presley, James Dean, Clint Eastwood, William Shatner, Michael Caine, Gene Wilder (The original Willy Wonka).

Late Greatest (1919-28)

Pluto Cancer, Neptune Leo, Uranus Pisces
Kooks, born of the Flappers.
Examples: Rodney Dangerfield, BF Skinner.

Early Greatest (1914-19)

Pluto Cancer, Neptune Leo, Uranus Aquarius
Example: Orson Welles, Frank Sinatra, JFK.

The Wacky Trader Joe's Generation (1904-12)

Pluto Gemini, Neptune Cancer, Uranus Capricorn
Name derived from that fact that Trader Joe's sources its entire aesthetic from this 8-year period. Freaks, carnival sideshows, etc.
Example: Ayn Rand, Howard Hughes, John Wayne, Ronald Reagan, Herge (creator of Tintin).

New Century (1898-1902)

Pluto Gemini, Neptune Gemini, Uranus Sagittarius
Examples: Alfred Hitchcock, Walt Disney, Salvador Dali.

Decadents (1891-99)

Pluto Gemini, Neptune Gemini, Uranus Scorpio
Example: The novelist Celine.

Late Romantics (1887-91)

Pluto Gemini, Neptune Gemini, Uranus Libra
Examples: Adolf Hitler.

Early Romantics (1884-87)

Pluto Gemini, Neptune Taurus, Uranus Libra

Generational Cusps

What if you've got some weird combo not listed here? What if you were born 1995 and you've got Pluto Sagittarius with Neptune and Uranus Capricorn? Then you're a Cusper.Some examples:Timothee Chalamet
Pluto Sagittarius, Neptune + Uranus Capricorn
A weirdly postmodern (Sag) last gasp of old-style Hollywood stardom (Cap).
Bryan Cranston (aka Walter White)
Pluto Leo, Neptune Scorpio, Uranus Cancer
Leonine Boomer solipsism with Scorpionic rage & underhandedness.


Planetary Adjectives

Sun, Solar
Moon, Lunar
Mercury, Mercurial
Venus, Venusian
Mars, Martian
Jupiter, Jovian
Saturn, Saturnine
Uranus, Uranian
Neptune, Neptunian
Pluto, Plutonian

Zodiacal Adjectives

Aries, Arian
Taurus, Taurean
Gemini, Geminian
Cancer, Cancrian
Leo, Leonine
Virgo, Virgoan
Libra, Libran
Scorpio, Scorpionic
Sagittarius, Sagittarian
Capricorn, Capricornian
Aquarius, Aquarian
Pisces, Piscean

The Planets

The Sun

In your natal chart, the Sun describes everything you find valuable. It's all those things which are so obviously good that you could hardly imagine wanting something else. It's water for fish. This is calm for a Taurus, talk for a Gemini, home for a Cancer, and so on... (thread)

The Moon

The Moon's position in your natal chart determines your animal instincts & urges, the soft spots & cravings we can't explain and don't care to. Everything we need that we're afraid to seek is Lunar, and everything that nourishes our soul. And also our appearance...


The state of Mercury concerns everything which interests and excites you mentally, your sense of humor, and the strength of your senses more broadly. It's the planet of speech and logic. It names things and puts them in their right place. It keeps things in orderMercury in Taurus lays things out simply & directly. Mercury in Capricorn favours time-tested phrases & the cliches of etiquette. Mercury in Virgo, its favourite sign, speaks and sees with the utmost precision, clarity and sobriety. It is the master of splitting hairs.


Venus is the planet of peace and equanimity. It concerns itself with the space between people, all the ways we get on the same page. It is sweetness, pleasantness, art and elegance. In Gemini, it achieves this through wit and good humor. In Pisces, through complete openness


Mars is the planet of violence, anger and physical vigor. It's all about getting things done. It will go to extremes, suffer, strive and endure to reach its aim. Its placement determines how and why: In Aries, through sheer self-affirming vigor, for the sake of its gloryFor more on Mars, see my article here:


Jupiter is the planet of wisdom, hope & opportunity. It's all the ways in which we can expand, contextualise and seek new horizons. In Scorpio it achieves this through obsessive delving into taboo, thru conflict & suffering. In Sagittarius, thru speed, sincerity and foresight


Saturn is the planet of discipline, sacrifice and idealism. It rewards restraint and planning. Work hard and it's your best friend: Mastery, authority and respect await. Fail to and you'll be punished. In Gemini, it struggles for attainment in erudition and communicationSaturn is also concerned with boundaries, most of which are social. Thus its placement determines how we show respect for others, as well as that for which we seek respect.For more on Saturn, see my article here:

Outer Planets

The Outer Planets, otherwise somewhat awkwardly known as the Trans-Saturnines, were more recently discovered - but their effects are visible even prior to their discovery.


Those touched by Uranus are unique, singular, unprecedented, inimitable. Uranus is the bolt from the blue, LIGHTNING, suddenness, shock & disruption - but it doesn't set new trends. It stands alone.


Wherever you find Neptune in your chart, you find your ideal - unearthly & frictionless in its perfection. At worst, Neptune deludes us and drags us away from reality. At best, it gives us the will for impossible efforts and creates a slice of Heaven on Earth.


Pluto is black subterranean fire, slow-burning revolutionary will. Like Jupiter, it wants to do new things. Unlike Jupiter, this means the death of the old order. This pressing and inevitable force of change comes through in the smallest things of day to day life.

Retrograde and Stationed Planets

What does it mean if you're born with a retrograde or stationed planet? Observe what happens when Mercury stations: Communications slow, it's more of an effort to get places. So too with stationed planets: Their energies don't flow as easily as they normally would.When Mercury retrogrades, things are not so much slow as fumbling, blind & chaotic. They do take time to get up and running

Miscellaneous Questions

Q1. "How can I use astrology to find my true love?"A. You can't. You'll know it when you see it.Q2. Vedic Astrology??A. It's a fake gimmick for pseuds. How are the Hindus doing? Not so well.